Chicago Cemeteries in 3D-Stereo
Site created 06/2017; Last updated 06/2023
From The Cross-eyed Traveler
More 3D-Stereo from The Cross-eyed Traveler
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3d chicago cemeteries
How to View 3D-Stereo Cross-eye Photos
Each 3D image on this site consists of a left-eye and right-eye view, displayed side-by-side with the left-eye view on the right and the right-eye view on the left. Thus the term Cross-eye photo.
To see the 3D effect, you must be able to cross your eyes when viewing each stereo pair, so that your left eye sees the left-eye view (on the right), and the right eye sees the right-eye view (on the left).
Your brain will merge the two into a three-dimensional view.
If you need practice crossing your eyes, hold a finger between your eyes and the stereo pair. Focus on it while slowly bringing your finger closer to your face. Your eyes will cross themselves while they focus on the finger as it gets closer to your eyes. And no, your eyes won't stay that way!
Cousin Billy Goat
Cemetery Maintenance
About the Photos On This Site
Some photos on this site were taken in the early 1980s with a Stereo Realist camera using 35 mm slide film. Those photos were copied with a digital camera and edited to try to bring back some of the colors that faded over the years.
Newer photos were taken with two identical digital cameras mounted side by side on a homemade rig.
All stereo pairs were joined side-by-side by software downloaded from the Internet.
Now, brighten your screen, select a cemetery from the menu, and see the cemetery as I saw it, in 3D.
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