America and Greece in 3D-Stereo
From The Cross-eyed Traveler
Also View 3D Rome, Italy at martylobel.wixsite.com/3d-rome
and 3D Chicago Cemeteries at martylobel.wixsite.com/chicagocemeteries
See my 2D photos at martylobel.wixsite.com/martylobel
Site active 03/2016; Last update 06/2023
3d america
3d greece
crosseyed traveler
crosseyed traveller
cross-eyed traveler
cross-eyed traveller
cross eyed traveler
cross eyed traveller
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Portfolio Samples
Brighten screen.
Click an image to enlarge it.
Cross your eyes.
This site contains 3D-Stereoscopic photographs.
If you can cross your eyes, you can view the images in 3D.
Viewing the images in 3D.
​Turn up the brightness on your screen.
Choose America or Greece from the MENU above, then a subject from the drop-down menu .
Click on an image to enlarge it.
Look at the vertical line between the two images.
Cross your eyes and enjoy the stereo photo.
About the images. Many of the images on this site are digital photo pairs, that is, left- and right-eye views photographed with two identical digital cameras.
Other images are digital copies of my 1980s and 1990s Stereo Realist slides. Their colors have faded over the years, so they may not be as realistic as those of the digital photographs.
Still, the stereo effect can be enjoyed.
Please send comments. Though I proofread the pages on my sites, errors do slip by sometimes, so please feel free to point them out to me by clicking on my picture below.
All questions and comments, positive and negative, are welcome. Really!

Glencoe, Illinois

Nafplio, Greece

Kerameikos Ancient Site Athens, Greece
Marty Lobel Click on my photo to contact me.