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The Cross-eyed Traveler's
Rome: 3D-Stereoscopic Photography
of the Eternal City

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Site active 10/2016; Last update 06/2023
Select where you would like to visit
Vatican Museums
3D Stereoscopic Vatican
3D Vatican
The smallest country in the world, Vatican City State was founded in 1929 by treaty between the Holy See and Italy.
The Vatican Museums began in 1506 with the acquisition of the sculpture of Laocoön and his Sons, purchased by Pope Julius II from the owner of a vineyard where the statue was discovered.
The interior photos here are of the Vatican Museums. Exterior photos are of Vatican City.
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Entrance to Vatican Museums

Stefaneschi Triptych
by Giotto di Bondone

The Gallery of Maps

The Gallery of Maps

The Gallery of Maps

A Vatican City View
From Inside the Museums

Entering the Sala Rotunda

Sala Rotunda

Window Shutter

by Melozzo da Forli:
Frescoes Rescued From Basilica of Santi Aposotli in Rome

Entering Hall of the Muses

Hall of the Muses Ceiling

Ancient Stone Restoration

Gladiator Mosaics, 310 A.D.
From the Baths of Diocletian

by Caravaggio

Fortune Restrained by Love
by Guido Reni

Gallery of Tapestries

Replica in Tapestry
of Da Vinci's Last Supper

by Raphael

Immaculate Conception Room
Painter: Francesco Podesti

Via della Conciliazione
Near Piazza San Pietro

Basilica di San Pietro
(St. Peter's Basilica)
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