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America and Greece in 3D-Stereo
From The Cross-eyed Traveler
Also View 3D Rome, Italy at
and 3D Chicago Cemeteries at
See my 2D photos at
Site active 03/2016; Last update 06/2023
3d america
3d greece
crosseyed traveler
crosseyed traveller
cross-eyed traveler
cross-eyed traveller
cross eyed traveler
cross eyed traveller
Where would you like to visit? --->
The Arizona Desert
3D Arizona
3D Stereo Arizona
Stereo 3D Arizona
Native Americans have lived in Arizona for thousands of years.
The ruins at Tuzigoot are 900 years old.
All photos were taken in 1983.
These are digital copies of Stereo Realist slides.
Note: The colors in the slides have changed dramatically since the photographs were taken.
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Tuzigoot, Constructed 1200-1400 A.D.
"Tuzigoot" is Apache for "crooked water," referring to a meander in the Verde River.


Montezuma Castle, Rimrock, AZ
Misnamed, this cliff dwelling was abandoned even before Montezuma was born.

Castle A
Castle A is a short walk from Montezuma Castle.

Montezuma Well, Rimrock, AZ
Misnamed, there is no connection between Montezuma and the well.

Montezuma Well

Montezuma Well

Jerome, AZ
Jerome is a former copper and gold mining town founded in 1876.
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