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2D and 3D-Stereoscopic Photography
The Cross-eyed Traveler's
Site active 09/2015; Last update 06/2023
Traditional Two-Dimensional and 3D-Stereoscopic Photographs
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For more 3D, view 3D America and Greece at
and 3D Rome, Italy at
and 3D Chicago Cemeteries at
3D stereo
3D photos
crosseyed traveler
3D photo
cross-eyed traveler
3d photos america
3d photos greece
3d photos rome
About Me
Who is
Martin Lobel?
I am the Crosseyed Traveler
Computer programmer, retired.
Home is Chicago, IL.
Born and raised in Chicago
NO, I am not really cross-eyed!
University of Illinois at Chicago Circle
B.A. in Art Design
My love affair with photography began while in the Army in 1968, with a simple camera, photographing ducks.
In 1977, I began taking stereo slides on a road trip around Lake Superior in Canada.
I took 35mm color slides, one left-eye view and one right-eye view, and taped them together, side-by-side, for viewing in a handheld stereo viewer. Eventually I bought a Stereo Realist camera, which takes the left- and right-eye views simultaneously, with two lenses and two shutters, on 35mm slide film. Today's images are captured with two identical digital cameras, mounted side-by-side on a homemade rig, to shoot left- and right-eye views. Free downloaded software is used to create 3D picture files.
Use the 3D Photography button above to see the 3D Introduction and Samples pages.
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