2D and 3D-Stereoscopic Photography
The Cross-eyed Traveler's
Site active 09/2015; Last update 06/2023
Traditional Two-Dimensional and 3D-Stereoscopic Photographs
Where do you want to visit? --->
For more 3D, view 3D America and Greece at martylobel.wixsite.com/3d-photography
and 3D Rome, Italy at martylobel.wixsite.com/3d-rome
and 3D Chicago Cemeteries at martylobel.wixsite.com/chicagocemeteries.
3D stereo
3D photos
crosseyed traveler
3D photo
cross-eyed traveler
3d photos america
3d photos greece
3d photos rome
Sellasia, Greece
Sellasia is a small mountain village, part of the municipality of Sparta.
See more Sellasia in 3D. Go to martylobel.wixsite.com/3d-photography.
This page contains a 3D Cross-Eye image. Please see the 3D Photography - Introduction page.
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3D Cross-eye View

In Greece, abandoned houses are common in both small villages and big cities.

.......is often the centerpiece of a Greek village.

Expect to see olive trees and other crops.

Sparta is seen in the distant valley left of center.

Graves are usually shrines.