2D and 3D-Stereoscopic Photography
The Cross-eyed Traveler's
Site active 09/2015; Last update 06/2023
Traditional Two-Dimensional and 3D-Stereoscopic Photographs
Where do you want to visit? --->
For more 3D, view 3D America and Greece at martylobel.wixsite.com/3d-photography
and 3D Rome, Italy at martylobel.wixsite.com/3d-rome
and 3D Chicago Cemeteries at martylobel.wixsite.com/chicagocemeteries.
3D stereo
3D photos
crosseyed traveler
3D photo
cross-eyed traveler
3d photos america
3d photos greece
3d photos rome
Castel Sant'Angelo​
The castle was built as the tomb of the Roman emperor Hadrian between 123 and 139 A.D. on the right bank of the Tiber River.
In 401 it was converted to a military fortress.
See more Castel Sant'Angelo in 3D at martylobel.wixsite.com/3d-rome.
This page contains 3D Cross-Eye images. Please see the 3D Photography - Introduction page.
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Cross-Eye View

Cross-Eye View

Completed 134 AD Displays Ten Angels

Left: Angel with the Lance Right: Angel with the Sponge

Left: Angel with the Garment and Dice Right: Angel with the Nails

Ancient High Five, I mean, Three

OK. We're leaving, they're entering.

Not Far from Ponte Sant'Angelo