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2D and 3D-Stereoscopic Photography
The Cross-eyed Traveler's
Site active 09/2015; Last update 06/2023
Traditional Two-Dimensional and 3D-Stereoscopic Photographs
Where do you want to visit? --->
For more 3D, view 3D America and Greece at
and 3D Rome, Italy at
and 3D Chicago Cemeteries at
3D stereo
3D photos
crosseyed traveler
3D photo
cross-eyed traveler
3d photos america
3d photos greece
3d photos rome
Grand Canyon, Arizona
This page is dedicated to Mother Nature, without whose patience and artistry this canyon would not exist.
The canyon is 277 miles long, and over a mile deep.
It exposes nearly two billion years of geological history.
The Colorado River began carving it at least 17 million years ago.
These pictures were taken from the canyon's South Rim.
See more Grand Canyon in 3D. Go to
This page contains a 3D Cross-Eye image. Please see the 3D Photography - Introduction page.​
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3D Cross-Eye View
From a 1983 35mm slide, whose colors have changed dramatically over 30+ years.

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